Dr. Schmidt is nationally renowned for her infectious disease knowledge. Early on during the COVID-19 pandemic, she shared insights to help educate the public on a variety of topics and news outlets. She has been a featured Infectious Disease Specialist on radio shows, television news, and online forums. For media inquiries, please contact drschmidt@drmaryeschmidt.com.
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On The Air
April 24 Newsy – What’s the risk of getting Covid-19 from a coffee shop
April 22 Newsy – What’s the risk of touching objects in a grocery store.
April 21 Newsy – What’s the risk of using a hand dryer in a public restroom?
April 20 Newsy – Can I get Covid-19 if someone runs by me and coughs?
April 17 Newsy – What’s the risk of opening your windows?
Additional Media Coverage
U.S. Master’s Swimming – Featured Dr. Schmidt in an article on reopening after Coronavirus.
The Hill – Featured an interview with Dr. Schmidt on COVID-related studies out of China.
Turnto23 News - Infectious disease doctor who had COVID-19 scare says testing needs to be improved
Omny FM Shows - Richmond's Morning News Podcast
Consumer Reports - Medical Symptoms - Fever and Covid-19 - What to know?
Danville Register and Bee – Featured an interview with Dr. Schmidt in an article on Coronavirus.
Bret Baier Interview, Fox News, October 15, 2014
Liz Claman Interview, Fox Business News, October 9, 2014
Bill O’Reilly Interview, The Factor Fox News, October 3, 2014
Shannon Bream Interview, Fox News, October 1, 2014
ABC radio, Washington DC, Insect Borne Illnesses, Lyme disease, and West Nile Encephalitis.
Multiple appearances Fairfax Cable Channel 10, Infectious disease updates
Lifetime Television Staph Infection: Health Story. Aired on Lifetime Television
Sunday, July 8, and August 26, 2007, Show 415.
Influenza Update 2008-2009, Channel 10 Fairfax County Cable.
Influenza Update 2009-2010, Channel 10 Fairfax County Cable.
To contact Dr. Schmidt to schedule a radio segment, please contact